How To Save Water At Home In Your Daily Life

by Megan Kioulafofski
10 minutes read
save water at home

Are you concerned about water saving, how to live zero waste and environmental initiatives?

You should know then that any zero waste living commitment should always include ways on how to save water in your daily life. And while eliminating water usage entirely isn’t a realistic goal, a sustainable use of water in our everyday habits is a necessity. 

The commitment to conserving water starts at home. While estimates vary, the average person uses anywhere from 80-100 gallons of water per day (and that’s before we all started spending more time at home due of COVID-19).

There are more benefits to water conservation than just social responsibility. It will also save you money both on your water and electric bill. 

Our room-by-room guide will walk you through how to save water in your daily life throughout the home, and show you how many gallons we could all help save each week. 

Saving Water In The Kitchen

sustainable use of water in the kitchen

Looking for how to save water in your daily life?

The kitchen is the perfect place to start!

Cooking at home is a great way to reduce single use plastic waste. But it’s equally important to be mindful of your drinking water use as you prep, cook and clean up. 

Skip hand washing dishes and run full dishwasher loads: This might surprise you, but it’s actually more eco-friendly (and much faster) to load your dirty dishes in the dishwasher, rather than to wash dishes by hand. Most modern washing machines don’t require pre washing so you can add dirty dishes directly in the machine. 

Steam, rather than boil your vegetables: Keep more nutrients in your vegetables and use less water by steaming rather than boiling when you cook. Steamed veggies taste better and are more nutrient dense.

Compost to reduce garbage disposal use: Add this to your list of reasons to start composting: you help conserving water by running your garbage disposal less. Many of your leftover scraps can go to the compost pile and get transformed into a healthy soil feeder for your yard or garden.  

Soak pots and pans overnight: Not all pots and pans should go to the dishwasher. If your pans aren’t dishwasher safe, soak them in the sink overnight with soap rather than hand washing them. This will have you using only one batch of water to remove crusty residue.  

Reuse cooking water in your yard or garden: Do you feel guilty when you waste water by tossing out the cooking leftover? Well you should! There are plenty of ways to reuse cooking water. Pasta water can be reused again and again for even heartier dishes. You can also cool the water to room temperature and then water the plants and flowers with it. 

Sustainable Use Of Water In The Bathroom

saving water in the bathroom

Most households use the most amount of water in the bathroom. 

Here’s how to save water in your daily life and cut down on the waste you make in your bath.

Replace a bath with shorter showers: Ditch a full bath (which can use 70 gallons of water) and replace your soak with a 10 minute shower. Your family can save up to 315 gallons of water per week with this simple habit change. 

Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth:  Do you leave the water running often? You should know that keeping the water running as you brush your teeth is a big water waster. Instead, get used to turning running water off in between wash and rinse, and teach your kids to do the same.  

Check pipes and appliances for leaks: Did you know that over 900 billion gallons of water is lost to household leaks annually in the U.S.? Check your pipes and appliances monthly to make sure they aren’t leaking and wasting water. 

Install a high-efficiency toilet: Americans use the most daily water when flushing the toilet. New, upgraded toilets require a lot less water to run and flush. Upgrading to high-efficiency and energy grade will go a long way in your sustainable use of water efforts.

Use a dual fish toilet and only flush when necessary: You don’t need to flush the toilet every time you go. Experts recommend only flushing number two, but if that makes you feel uncomfortable, try to not use your toilet as a trash to flush waste. 

Ways To Conserve Water In The Laundry Room

 how to save water in daily life while doing the laundry

Small changes in the laundry room can make a big impact on how to save water in your daily life. These new habits will not only save water, but also time and money. 

Use water that is cold to run loads: Limit energy consumption in the laundry room by running cold loads. Ninety percent of the energy used every day during the washing process is to heat the water. 

Upgrade your appliances: You should also upgrade your appliances in the laundry room. Energy Star rated machines both reduce water and electricity waste. 

Run full laundry loads: Like the dishwasher, you should only run full laundry loads in order to save water. If you do run a smaller load, make sure to use the corresponding button on the washer so it uses less water to fill. 

Hang clothes on a drying rack: Solve two problems at once — a clothes drying rack will stop clothes shrinkage from the dryer and it will save tons of energy (and thus, water too). 

Reuse items like towels before you wash: Not every item of clothing or fabric needs to be washed after a single use. Yes, your underwear should be — but your towels or jeans can be reused 2-3 times before requiring a wash. 

How To Save Water Outdoors

saving water outdoors

Water is an essential ingredient to a healthy lawn. But bad water habits and unchecked irrigation can run up your waste and water bill

Add mulch to your lawn: Catch and conserve water in your yard with mulch. Some of the most popular yard mulches that retain water and reduce evaporation are compost, wood chips and straw. 

Utilize a rainwater catchment system: Collect rainwater to use in the garden or your heating system. Many catchment systems today have a water filtration system installed to ensure the water is clean. Your state may even offer a tax incentive for installation. 

Plant drought-resistant plants: Rather than wasting tons of water keeping plants alive, decorate your lawn with drought-resistant plants and native species. Both of these plant options will require less upkeep to thrive. 

Sweep driveways: Rather than rinsing your driveway, try to use a broom instead. This method is so effective that cities such as Los Angeles require the action during droughts. 

Maintain your irrigation system monthly: It should go without saying but your lawn doesn’t need as much watering in the winter as it does in the summer. Check in on your irrigation system regularly to ensure you’re only using water that you need to. 

Found our post interesting? Check out also this article on how to conserve water by The Zebra. And for more related posts on water conservation activities and how to live life unplastic, follow our sustainable living blog.

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