8 Most Unsustainable Things in Your Home

by Megan Kioulafofski
6 minutes read
unsustainable plastic pink razors

It’s no secret that the environment is facing some serious challenges that seem to be only intensifying. But the good news is that more and more people around the globe are changing their habits and switching to more environmentally-friendly ways. 

If you are looking for how to lower your environmental footprint, getting rid of unsustainable things in your home is an excellent way to start. There are plenty of everyday items that are harmful to our planet that we’re not even aware of. 

To help you lead a more sustainable lifestyle, here’s our list of unsustainable house items you should get rid of ASAP.

Why Go Green?

A green lifestyle and switching to eco-friendly everyday life solutions are being accepted by more and more people. The world is quickly realizing the importance of a healthy and thriving environment.

woman giving up unsustainability at home

However, it’s not only the environment that will benefit from you dropping your unsustainability habits. There are plenty of benefits for you and your family, too. Here are the most important ones:

  • You will lower your energy and water bills. Going greens means better insulation, sealed windows and doors, efficient and cheaper heating and cooling, and much more. There are also plenty of simple ways to create a zero-waste bathroom
  • Going greens means inviting a lot of plants into your home. House plants are not only lovely decorative pieces, but they will also keep the air in your home fresh and toxin-free. 
  • Green also means durability. Sustainable buildings are built to last longer compared to traditional homes. There is also the money you’ll save on maintenance and replacement costs. 
  • Green features are very sought after among home buyers. By investing in green amenities, you’ll increase the value of your home. 

The 8 Unsustainable Objects in Your Home You Should Get Rid Of

One of the simplest ways to transform your home into a bastion of eco-friendliness is to replace unsustainable practices and objects with eco-friendly alternatives. 

To help you switch to greener solutions, here are 8 items you should not have in your home.

Coffee Capsules

Even though capsule coffee machines have revolutionized breakfast for millions of people, they’ve also created a problem for the environment. Not only do they go through an intensive manufacturing process that leaves behind a lot of waste, but they are also very difficult to recycle as they’re made from layers of different materials.

But don’t worry – this doesn’t mean you have to give up your favorite beverage. From reusable to compostable and recyclable pods, there are plenty of options to choose from. 

Single Use Plastic Bags

Single use plastic bags are bad for the environment and are some of the main contributors to plastic waste. 

Getting rid of them and changing your unsustainable shopping habits is easy. Go for sustainable materials such as organic cotton produce bags whenever buying groceries, and freshie food saver bags to safely store vegetables and fruits at home. 

Wet Wipes

If you are a parent, you probably know how invaluable wet wipes can be. People found ways to reinvent them, so you can now find them as deodorants, cleansers, disinfectants, and many more. However, they help create fatbergs which are an enormous and long-standing problem in waste management.

Plastic Tea Bags

You probably noticed that many tea companies switched to pyramidal-shaped tea bags in recent years. Even though they have a silky feel, they are usually made of nylon and, therefore, very harmful to the environment. 

So next time, before you buy a box of tea, check the tea bag ingredients. Or simply drink your tea loose, and, as an added bonus, you’ll even enjoy a superior brew.


Microbeads are tiny balls of material (usually plastic) used in different cosmetic and hygiene products. For instance, toothpaste or body wash. Given that plastic isn’t biodegradable, products with microbeads only add to an already massive waste issue. Plus, as microbeads look similar to fish eggs, sea animals end up eating them. 

The good news is that more and more countries worldwide are adopting laws to prevent the manufacturing and usage of microbeads. For instance, their manufacturing was prohibited in the US in 2017.

Cardboard boxes

All large companies use cardboard boxes for packaging large mail orders. 

Even though you might think that there is no issue because you can recycle and compost cardboard, you couldn’t be more wrong. As this material is made of wood pulp, many trees are cut for it to be made, making it highly unsustainable. Plus, it also contributes to methane emissions while breaking down.

Many people believe that using cardboard boxes is their only option in some cases. For instance, when moving and packing your home. However, there are ways to organize a green relocation and have a simple and eco-friendly process

Instead of buying moving boxes, get creative and use old blankets or other things you already have at home.

Laundry detergent

Laundry detergent is a household item we can’t imagine our everyday life without. However, most of them contain chemicals and pesticides that contaminate our water supplies, rivers, and oceans when released. On top of that, detergents contain phosphates that negatively affect ecosystems and marine life.

Therefore, next time you’re shopping for laundry detergent, try to replace your regular unsustainable pick, for eco-friendly options. There are plenty of brands that are using ingredients that are gentle to the environment. 

Disposable razors

Disposable razors are yet another item that can be found in almost every home. However, as they are made from different components such as plastic, rubber, and metal, they are very difficult to recycle. Also, the bulk of these materials is not biodegradable and adds to the ever-growing waste problem. 

Instead, why not switch to using safety razors? This option will also save you money in the long run. Alternatively, you can choose one of the reusable solutions. Today, there are plenty to choose from.

Go get rid of unsustainable things in your home!

We hope our article inspired you to adopt more eco-friendly habits and get rid of all the unsustainable things in your home. Not only will you help the environment, but you’ll also be a good role model for your children and experience plenty more benefits. Go green!

At SOL+SPIRIT we are passionate about protecting the environment by implementing sustainable practices. If you want to learn some of our best eco-friendly living tips, follow our blog. We have some great articles on how to quit living unsustainably and turn to greener solutions.

Author bio:
Jean Boling is a nutritionist and freelance writer with a passion for a green lifestyle. She works as a consultant dietitian and leads a successful blog where she shares her eco-friendly lifestyle experience. Jean is also an animal lover and lives with her two adopted cats. 

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